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Kim Gasper-Rabuck

El Genocidio Israelí de Palestinos: Hecho en Estados Unidos 

Durante décadas, la lucha por la liberación de la clase obrera Estadounidense se ha visto obstaculizada por la dependencia y el apoyo al Partido Demócrata dentro del sistema capitalista bipartidista. La creencia en la capacidad de convertir lentamente la democracia burguesa en una democracia socialista sigue siendo considerada “realista” por muchos en la izquierda. Desgraciadamente, eso ignora la realidad de que la clase trabajadora no tiene voz dentro del sistema político capitalista ni poder dentro de los partidos capitalistas.

The Israeli Genocide of Palestinians: Made in the USA

For decades the fight for liberation of the US working class has been hamstrung by dependence on and support for the Democratic Party within the two-party capitalist system. The belief in the ability to slowly turn bourgeois democracy into democratic socialism is still considered “realistic” by many on the left. Unfortunately, that ignores the reality that working class people have some control over the capitalist political system or the capitalist parties.

Abortion Rights Under Attack: What do we do? Stand up, fight back!

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has made it clear in a brief two-hour hearing on December 1, 2021 that there is intent on finding the Mississippi 15-week abortion ban constitutional. In all likelihood this will lead to complete overturning of Roe versus Wade, and begin the outlawing of abortion across the country. If this comes to pass, it will amount to the overthrow of an edifice of essential health practices, hard-fought political rights, and bodily autonomy for more than half of the population.

The Aftermath of the Rittenhouse Acquittal: Report from Wisconsin

After the murder of George Floyd May 25, 2020, millions of people protested—most for the first time in their lives—to say that “Black Lives Matter”. Thousands demonstrated dozens of times across the urban centers of Wisconsin. in Madison, the protests were called by large not-for-profits as well as new, young groups of African- American activists. Hundreds of national guard members were called up by Democratic Party Governor Tony Evers—and supported by Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway—to teargas and arrest Black and white protesters on the street. Much of State Street experienced fires and graffiti as peoples’ rightful rage against overwhelming police and National guard violence erupted.

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